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Omni Support

Short Heading Issues

Headings must meet the below requirements for accessibility.

This issue is caused by one of the following:

  1. Heading is smaller than 6 characters.
  2. An empty heading 
  3. A heading wrapped around an image or component. 


This is the correct way check mark
This column indicates all the correct ways to use or display items.

Don't Do

This is the incorrect way x
This column indicates all the incorrect ways to use or display items.


Screen Shot of Ok Headings

Screen Shot of Short Headings


1. Heading Length

Lengthen the heading to greater than 5 characters. 

2. Empty Heading

Remove empty heading line. 

Note: If you want a space, make sure it is a paragraph tag. 

3. Wrapped Heading

  1. Click on the image/component
  2. Select on the toolbar where it says the heading level.
  3. Change to paragraph
For detailed explanations for how to use headings on your web pages as well as how to use the blocks tool, please visit our text formatting page. 
Text Formatting