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Omni Support

Using Components

Components are a form-based type of reusable content that simplifies entering information into complex design elements.


Add a component to a page:

Components can be inserted onto pages. To add a component to a page:

  1. When editing a page, click "Insert Component" (sdfafadf) in the toolbar.
  2. Choose the component you want, and click Insert.
  3. Fill out the component fields. Anything not marked "Optional" is required, and must be filled out for the component to be placed on the page.
  4. Click Save. The component is entered into the page with your answers.
  5. Continue editing the page, save to preview the component, or publish your changes onto the live site or test server.

Components will always display as a blue placeholder when editing like the image below.

Component Blue Box Example

Click on a component to either edit the component (pencil icon) or delete it from the page ("x" icon).

Components can be moved on a page that's being edited by selecting and dragging them to a new location on the page.

The same component can be added to a page multiple times, with unique form content for each instance.

Available Components

Last Updates

  • 04/20/2023 - Auto Rotating Photo Slider
  • 06/01/2023 - Box with Border and Editable section (v2) Component
  • 06/01/2023 - Testimonial Component